Friday, April 11, 2008


One month has quickly passed for us here in Cumming, GA. The past month has included a lot of firsts for the Ireland family. Our first move with Collin, Chad's first position in ministry, Collin's first birthday, my first stab at being a stay-at-home mom. Not too mention, the first "normal" family schedule Chad and I have had as a married couple. Phew! The transition from Louisville, KY to Cumming, GA could not have been any smoother, and I attribute that fully to God.

Leaving Louisville was bittersweet for us. We said good-bye to wonderful friends, a wonderful church, and jobs (while sometimes, they were not-so-wonderful, they were a great blessing), and our first home. The last day of work, as I walked out of the office, and shut the door behind me, it struck me, that we, as a family, were closing a chapter of our family history. While it was sad, I was very hopeful and excited about the new chapter. God had a plan for our lives, and He was leading us to Georgia (who would have thought it!) It has been a long year for us, with many ups and downs, but we can look back and see how God had been preparing us, and the church for our arrival!

We are so thankful for all our wonderful friends and family, and our new friends and church family here in Georgia for all their help and generosity toward us. This is a time that we will remember as a family when God provided so abundantly for us, as we followed where He called us. We know there are many more firsts ahead of us, and we hope that you will come back to our blog once and awhile, to see what is going on in the Ireland household.