Monday, September 29, 2008

First Family Vacation

These cute little sandy feet say it all - we had a wonderful first family vacation in Florida!
We were blessed with the opportunity to 'getaway' and spend time in Panama City Beach and then take a trip to visit my grandparents (Jenny) in Clearwater Beach. It was a lot of driving, but it was overall a relaxing time together. Here are some highlights from the week:

Collin is ready to hit the beach for the first time. (This is probably the longest amount of time he wore a hat on his head!)

Look at Me!

Collin found throwing sand to be very entertaining. He was scared of the waves, which were pretty strong that first day at the beach. He stayed on the shore most of the time.

Check out my sweet ride. He looks so grown-up in this picture!

A picture of us with the 20,000 lb bull at Angelo's Steak Pit. Good food!

Collin likes to "strike a pose." Overall, he was a good traveler. He looked at his books, ate some snacks, and napped. But we experienced first hand that active little boys don't like to stay put too long!

Flying high over the Gulf. Notice he is pointing at something as he is being tossed in the air. Silly guy!

Waving at the camera. Funny story from our trip, earlier we were out in the water with Collin and told him to look at the waves. And he started waving!

At the Clearwater Beach playground.

I like to swing...but it is hot out here!

Here's another cow picture at Sam Seltzers.

Collin didn't want to hold still for a picture with his Great Grandpa.

We were able to go to some place new - Panama City Beach and visit a place more familiar- Clearwater Beach. Spend some time as a little family, and also see extended grandparents were able to see Collin in action. Go to the beach and to the pool..Collin loved the pool at PCB..very family friendly! Eat in & eat out...yum yum. Not so much sleeping in..but that the life with a toddler, right? We tried to keep it as simple as possible, not just for the wallet's sake but realizing that Collin probably will not remember his first vacation. However, Chad & I will...and we will be (and are) thankful that it went off without a hitch!