Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More fall fun

October was a busy, but fun month! Can't believe it is already over. A little recap of our adventures:
Chad and I had a little overnight to Blue Ridge, GA. It was very beautiful, but VERY cold. We were able to take a scenic train ride. We were very thankful for sometime together (and for those who offered to watch our kids!!)

Our church held our first Trunk or Treat. Those who aren't familiar with the idea, our church members parked their cars in the church lot and opened the trunks, and creatively decorated them. Also, kids dressed up in their costumes and were able to "Trunk or Treat". Everyone was so creative with their decorations and ideas. I'm so proud of our church family! Collin's "costume" was Superman and Ainsley was a flower.
Funny story about Collin's costume: one of his nursery buddies dressed up as supergirl. Once they saw each other they started going at it, as if they were archenemies, not superhero allies (all in fun of course). I couldn't stop laughing seeing these two together. Really cute!

Our beautiful flower

Pastor Barry & Denise's trunk. They won first place. Very fitting for our pastor and pastor's wife, who is a operation room nurse!

Pastor Mark & his family had a great trunk too! Based on one of Collin's favorite movies: CARS!

We took Collin & Ainsley to Atlanta's children museum: IMAGINEIT. There were a lot of things there for all kids...even Ainsley!

Cheesy smile

Cheesy smile #2 with Curious George aka Back Roll. We had no idea where he comes up with his names for things.

Painting (That lasted for a whole two minutes)

Gone fishing

Ainsley on the baby "waterbed" She had a lot of fun with this.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall= Apple orchard time

Being the Michigan gal that I am, fall and apple orchards are a tradition. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Georgia has apple orchards (you can call me ignorant, its okay!). For my 29th birthday yesterday, we had a family day and traveled to Ellijay, GA to spend time at Hillcrest Orchard.

Family pic before the pig races (yes, pig races). The pigs had funny names like Hamgelina Jowly, Hammy Faye Bacon, and Donald Rump.

Collin and daddy looking at the baby chicks.

Collin not to excited about petting the baby calf.

A little braver

Why is Ainsley so happy??......

The animals came to her!
(They thought her stroller was pretty tasty.)

Collin's favorite activity: THE BIG SLIDE!!

Weird "swing"amajig

Adventures in Eating

"Mama, I am ready...FEED ME!"
After my first rice cereal "meal"

Round Two: Still like it !

Sweet Potatoes were a hit.

Ainsley is a really messy eater! She never fails to intercept the spoon before it gets to her mouth, thus getting food all over her hands...then wipes her hands over her face. I don't even wipe her off until the end, because she just keeps swiping the spoon from my hands!
Here is the result:

Friday, August 28, 2009

More funtimes with cousins...Wood family

My sister Carrie and her husband Luke came down to visit at the end of July, and we were able to finally meet their son Brayden. Brayden was born in January, so needless to say, it was a long six months. And its hard when everyone else knows him..but you!! He is a cute little boy, very happy. Collin can't say Brayden yet, so he referred to him as "one more baby."Ainsley was probably happy that she caught a break from all of Collin's kisses and hugs, because Collin couldn't stay away from Brayden. The little boys had fun with each other.

Brayden says "Give me a chunk of that crazy hair of yours"
Cousins by day, superheroes by night
When we were out around the town, people thought Ainsley & Brayden were twins. Probably didn't help that we have the same baby carriers.

Will you give me your hand please??

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ireland Family Reunion-Pigeon Forge TN

The Ireland side of the family (all 17 of us..18 with Ainsley) have not been all together since Chad's seminary graduation in 2007, so at the beginning of 2009 we got serious about planning a family reunion/vacation. We all traveled to Pigeon Forge, TN and stayed in this wonderful cabin "Big Bear Lodge." Each family had their own room & bathroom..couldn't ask for anything more! Well everyone asked for a pool..and we got that too!

Ainsley "enjoying" her first vacation.

Collin riding his first carnival ride.

Almost all the cousins....Ainsley was sleeping in her stroller.

Annalyse & Collin swimming in the pool.

Collin & Daddy riding a train.

One BIG happy family! We had a great time together. After a week of living with each other, we still love one another (haha) and look forward to doing it again!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Many Faces of Ainsley

Ainsley is now ten weeks old! And we are starting to see more of her personality each day. She loves to smile and watch people, especially her brother. He is a crazy guy...can't blame her! Here are some snapshots taken over the last week or two.

Not happy about getting out of the bath!

Chubby wubby

Cute little girl

Here is our attempt at a remote control picture. My brother took one of Collin at 8 weeks old, and Collin had a huge smile on his face. The same thing happened when Carrie took one of her son Brayden. Ainsley wasn't as enthusiastic until I gave her the "mini" remote control. I guess we girls don't care so much about having the remote :-)

Happy Girl on the Fourth of July.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What's big brother up to?

While the baby has received the most attention lately, Collin has not been just sitting on the sidelines. He has been growing up quickly as well over the last month! One of my friends mentioned how her son's vocab expanded rapidly after her baby was born, and Collin has done the same thing! I think everyday he comes up with a new word, and sometimes we have to try to guess what he is referring to. He likes saying his colors, and talking about trucks, and cars (or bye-byes), and trains. While it can be irritating to hear him repeat the same word over and over and over (and over!) again, it is only for a season. The little toddler voice will only last for so long, and I can find joy in it....I smile everytime I hear him say "yellow bus". Precious!

A shirt for Poppa. Collin & Poppa became best buds over the six weeks of his visit. Going on walks and playing golf (finding turtles in the yard), playing cars & trains.

The kids with Poppa & Mimi

Silly boy- loves to wear his stickers!

Action shot
"I'm flying"

Playing golf or "volf" as he calls it

Growing up before our eyes

Saturday, May 23, 2009

One Month!

Our sweet baby is one month today! It has gone by fast, and we have survived many ups and downs over the last four weeks, including daddy going back to work, Mimi leaving for Michigan, Poppa working hard on our house, Mother's day, getting the flu, Collin cutting his two-year molars...phew!! A lot of changes, and many blessings.

Ainsley at one month

Mother's day picture (Ainsley at two weeks)

Yes, we went back to church after only two weeks (and yes..I had to try to find an outfit in my closet that would fit) was a special Parent/Child Dedication service (and it was Mother's day!) Fortunately, my recovery from the c-section has been a lot easier this time around so I actually felt like getting out and attending church to worship!

Funny moment with Pastor Barry. Ainsley's "automatic baby feeding bottle"..either that or she has really strong jaw muscles :-)

Pic at three weeks. Even though I haven't been a parent long, I have ascribed to the "each child is different" school of parenting, and Ainsley has so far proven to be pretty different than her brother. She nurses pretty well, doesn't cry a whole lot, makes girly squeaks and funny noises. Oh yeah, she spits up quite a bit more! She can fall asleep without being swaddled (which is probably a good thing in this Georgia heat!) Ainsley has dark hair and the teeniest little girly feet. She doesn't mind her brother's kisses and tickles, but I'm not sure how long that will last!

Chilling in my bouncy seat.