Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More fall fun

October was a busy, but fun month! Can't believe it is already over. A little recap of our adventures:
Chad and I had a little overnight to Blue Ridge, GA. It was very beautiful, but VERY cold. We were able to take a scenic train ride. We were very thankful for sometime together (and for those who offered to watch our kids!!)

Our church held our first Trunk or Treat. Those who aren't familiar with the idea, our church members parked their cars in the church lot and opened the trunks, and creatively decorated them. Also, kids dressed up in their costumes and were able to "Trunk or Treat". Everyone was so creative with their decorations and ideas. I'm so proud of our church family! Collin's "costume" was Superman and Ainsley was a flower.
Funny story about Collin's costume: one of his nursery buddies dressed up as supergirl. Once they saw each other they started going at it, as if they were archenemies, not superhero allies (all in fun of course). I couldn't stop laughing seeing these two together. Really cute!

Our beautiful flower

Pastor Barry & Denise's trunk. They won first place. Very fitting for our pastor and pastor's wife, who is a operation room nurse!

Pastor Mark & his family had a great trunk too! Based on one of Collin's favorite movies: CARS!

We took Collin & Ainsley to Atlanta's children museum: IMAGINEIT. There were a lot of things there for all kids...even Ainsley!

Cheesy smile

Cheesy smile #2 with Curious George aka Back Roll. We had no idea where he comes up with his names for things.

Painting (That lasted for a whole two minutes)

Gone fishing

Ainsley on the baby "waterbed" She had a lot of fun with this.


Ashley & Chuck said...

That is funny that Collin and "Supergirl" started fighting! Kids and their imaginations! And Ainsley was an adorable little flower!!

Brian and Jen said...

love it love it love it! i want to hold those cute babies! we need to get together!!!