Now that the holidays are over, things are somewhat settling down around our house. We had a great Thanksgiving with Chad's cousin, Dave & his family in Fayetteville. Over Christmas, we had a full house, and then some, with my parents, brother Chris & his girlfriend Teresa coming down from Michigan. My grandparents came UP from Florida, and then my cousin & her family came from North Carolina. Most of our pictures this Christmas were actually videos, but here are a few "stills" we had on our camera.
Collin actually opened a few gifts on his own this year (and helped Grandpa "pass" out the gifts...which means, he was chucking them at people). His top favorites were his cool four-wheeler from great-grandpa & grandma, his basketball hoop from Uncle Chris & Teresa, a race track (& lots of matchbox cars) & the movie, Cars (which has started a new obsession).
It was a blessing to be surrounded by family this holiday. Living "far" from everyone, we know that we will not always have family with us to celebrate. It was a simple year as far as gifts in the Ireland family, but Chad & I had so much joy watching Collin enjoy what we had picked out for him. And he was certainly spoiled by the rest of family! Next year, with another little one, who knows what adventures we will be in for!
Speaking of, for those who have not heard, we are having a GIRL!! I think I misplaced our ultrasound pics, but they are around the house somewhere. She is a healthy girl, who is pretty active. This pregnancy is going very well, I'm out of that super tired phase, and a little more appetite (not out of control, which is helpful). I've had weird dreams this time around, almost every night, which is an interesting experience. I'm looking forward to getting the nursery started, and decorating "girly." Hopefully, soon, we will share the name we have picked..its a big commitment, and we want to be 100%. I'll keep looking for those ultrasound pics, but in the meantime, here is my belly progress at 24 weeks. YIKES!
You look great girl! Can't wait to hear the name and see pics of the nursery. Tony and I can't agree on a boy's name...but we'll come up with something :) take care!!
yay! Glad to see the new posts! you look great and you'll have fun getting ready for a girl...can't believe I only have 3 weeks left until I'm a mom of THREEE... ahh!
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